First and Foremost, this week we decided to engage our Student Center Renovation followers in a contest. Fill out the quiz below, and the individual with the best score will be awarded a $10 Dunkin' Gift Card. Make sure you complete the quiz  by June 12th and put your name and email so we know how to contact the winner. Good luck!

    Student Center Construction Quiz

Besides the quiz above, we also wanted to bring you pictures from our walk through of the second floor. Thanks to the renovation, the second floor will host a variety of new features and offices. One of the most exciting additions to the second floor are the Collaboration Stations that will be perfect to host an interactive group meeting or for friends to relax and play Xbox together. Beyond that, the majority of the Student Center's resources will be relocated onto this floor. For example, the majority of the Office of Campus Engagement Staff, the Gertrude Meth Hochberg Women's Center, the Pride Center, the Campus Ministry Office, the Commuter H.U.B, the Bookstore and the Intercultural Center will all be located throughout the second floor now. Below you can see an example of one of the offices they have begun to create.  The rest of the photos from our second floor walk through can be seen in the photo gallery!
This is where Office of Campus Engagement's Program Advisor, Matt Kreimeier's new office will be!
     Otherwise, get excited for the announcement of this week's quiz winner as well as photos from the 3rd floor next Thursday! Feel free to spread the link to your other friends to keep them in the loop, too. 

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